NHS Lothian – Medical Practice Vacancy

Expressions of interest are invited to provide primary medical services under a General Medical Services Contract or Primary Medical Services Agreement for approximately 6,000 patients in the Leith area of Edinburgh.
The GMS services were previously provided from GP owned premises at Mill Lane Surgery and applicants should be aware that the availability of these premises is subject to further discussion with the owners.
This is an excellent opportunity to improve health outcomes and NHS Lothian would welcome applications from interested parties that will deliver high quality primary medical services responsive to the needs of the 6,000 patients. As well as delivering essential services, the successful provider will be expected to offer a range of additional and enhanced services. It is a requirement that all applicants meet the criteria of section 17L of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, as amended.
Further details are available on the Public Contracts Scotland website
Applicants should register as a supplier (https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/register_v2/Supplier_Register.aspx) and applications should be lodged electronically by NOON on 21 November 2016