Driving Improvement in Healthcare – Our strategy 2014-2020 Draft for consultation
Healthcare Improvement Scotland has a vital role as the national healthcare improvement organisation for Scotland in supporting healthcare providers to deliver safer, more effective and more person-centred care. Healthcare Improvement Scotland are committed to collaborating with healthcare providers to make improvements for patients.
In 2014, Healthcare Improvement Scotland will be entering its fourth year. With their experiences to date they have been reviewing their future direction and how they contribute to the delivery of the 2020 vision for Scotland’s health and social care services. This has resulted in the development of the draft strategy for 2014-2020.
A consultation template with some specific questions is now available for download and the and completed forms should be returned to hcis.DrivingImprovement@nhs.net by 7 February 2014.
All forms and further information can be found on the Healthcare Improvment Scotland website.