Cardiac Rehab Guidance – Patient Version

On Monday 25 September 2017, SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network) published the patient information booklet – Cardiac Rehab. This is the third booklet in the series of six covering conditions within the topic of Coronary Heart Disease.
The booklet explains the recommendations in the SIGN clinical guideline about:
- getting referred and assessed for cardiac rehab, and
- how you can get support to help yourself recover and manage your condition
and is useful for anyone who has:
- suffered a heart attack
- has had heart surgery
- had a procedure such as coronary angioplasty or an implanted cardiac defibrillator
The booklet is free to download from the SIGN website and orders of the booklet, which are available for free for anyone resident in Scotland can be requested from Karen King,
SIGN has already published patient information on Chronic Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndrome and will be publishing guidance on the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Stable Angina and Arrhythmias over the coming months.