2020 Workforce Vision 2014-2015

In 2014-15 all NHS Boards will take action to begin to deliver the commitments in the 2020 Workforce Vision. Their actions will focus on the things that staff said need to change or be done better.
The Workforce Vision will be delivered through 5 priorities for action. The table shows the focus of the actions in 2014-15:
Priority | 2014-15 focus |
Healthy organisational culture | The focus this year is on embedding the shared values in everything we do. |
Sustainable workforce | Strengthening workforce planning is identified as one of the early actions. |
Capable workforce | The focus this year is on ensuring that development reviews/appraisals are meaningful, providing fair access to learning and development for support staff, and building capacity and capability to improve the quality of what we do. |
Integrated workforce | The focus this year is on developing the right conditions for an integrated workforce. |
Effective leadership and management | This year, the focus is on supporting and developing line managers, particularly their people skills. |
Commenting on the actions John Connaghan, Director Health Workforce and Performance said: “Perhaps the most important priority, is around our culture and values. If we don’t get our values right we won’t have an effective NHS that delivers high quality care for patients. Across NHSScotland everyone is expected to use these values to inform the decisions they take, the way they treat patients and each other.”
Over the course of the year, we should begin to see changes in all of these areas.
Boards will support the workforce through local actions and work will be carried out by the Scottish Government and other organisations to support change.
A summary leaflet and the full Implementation Plan for 2014-15 is on the 2020 Workforce Vision Website (www.workforcevision.scot.nhs.uk) or call the 2020 Workforce Vision team for more information (0131 244 2478)