2014 NHSScotland Chief Executives Annual Report

NHSScotland Chief Executive, Paul Gray, has published his Annual Report for 2013/14 which outlines the many significant achievements of NHSScotland during the year, whilst reflecting on opportunities and challenges ahead.
Speaking following publication of the report, Paul Gray said he was proud of the contribution that the 150,000 staff who work in NHSScotland had made to patient care across Scotland.
The report identifies the demands being faced by NHSScotland, and recognised that they will grow over the next few years as people are living longer, with more complex conditions. The report confirmed that for these reasons, the integration of health and social care is being pursued with real determination alongside an increased focus on improving the health of the population.
Paul commented: There is much to be proud of in our NHS and it is this wealth of talent we will build on as we seek to make NHSScotland one of the best healthcare systems in the world.